Mayberry Hill


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casco, maine

About Mayberry Hill Preserve

Located in Casco, Mayberry Hill Preserve is 160 acres of mixed woodlands, meadows, and streams. A one-mile trail meanders through the preserve and can be enjoyed by visitors and local residents for hiking and educational opportunities. Benches have been placed at intervals along the trail to assist walkers.

We ask all visitors to please observe the use guidelines.


In 1990, John and Nancy Gillis donated this land, making it Loon Echo’s first preserve. The preserve has been dedicated to remain as undeveloped open space to be used for scientific and educational uses. Most of the preserve property is former agricultural land.

The land was abandoned and left to naturally revert to woodland throughout the last century. Rock walls are prominent throughout the property as well as portions of granite outcrops that were cut and used for building foundations.

Trails & Maps

Loop Trail (0.8 miles):
The trail starts at the kiosk, visible from the road. Following the main loop trail clockwise, there is a downhill slope for a third of a mile. Look for history as you walk. Stone walls and barbed wire fences are evidence of agricultural uses in previous centuries. As the trail starts to go downhill more steeply, it passes a rocky outcrop on the left, a former quarry pit where foundation stones were cut from ledge.

The second leg of the trail is relatively flat, but with uneven footing over rocks and tree roots. You will see logging trails and other evidence of recent forestry activities. The third leg of the loop also has sections of uneven footing. As you near the end of the loop there are logging trails to the field, where a few apple trees, in the field and adjacent woods, are all that remain of former orchards.
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