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bridgton, maine

About Pondicherry Park

Pondicherry Park is 66 acres of woodlands, fields, streams, and wetlands with many trails of varying surfaces. The Town of Bridgton owns the land, Loon Echo Land Trust holds a conservation easement on Pondicherry Park to ensure its natural resources are protected in perpetuity. Please observe all “use guidelines” when visiting in all seasons.


In 2012, Loon Echo Land Trust and Lakes Environmental Association partnered to protect 66 acres in the center of Bridgton. The land acquisition and trail construction was funded by many generous donors and foundations. The park was subsequently gifted to the Town of Bridgton, who now manage the trail network on the property with support from LELT and volunteers. If you'd like to get involved in the stewardship of Pondicherry Park, contact the Pondicherry Park Stewardship Committee.

Trails & Maps

Located in the heart of Downtown Bridgton, the park features many trail options.

The entrance from Willet road is steeper (down). To avoid this section, enter the park from the Bob Dunning Bridge Entrance. This entrance features aboardwalk with stringers that run perpendicular to the trail. There ae handrails along the entirety of the Bridge. There is a slight uphill to get onto the bridge.

After you leave the bridge, you enter the 'main trail'. This trail follows the river and has a hard-packed gravel surface that is 6 feet wide at its narrowest. There are several bridges that are flush with the surface of the trail. The stringers ae tight packed and run vertically with the trail. Some bridges have slight variances side to side, but are generally even and without big gaps between the boards. There are several granite benches along the trail. Some are low to the ground. Running slopes ae no more than a 5% grade.

All other trails in the park have roots, rocks, and some bog or boardwalk style bridging. Many of the trails connect to each other and have steeper grades.
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Depot Street: Access the park via the Bob Dunning Memorial Bridge. Plenty of free parking in the Depot Street Public lot, behind Reny’s in downtown Bridgton. Also accessible by the Lakes Region Explorer bus.

Willett Rd: Access the park or Lakes Environmental Association's rope course from this entrance. Free parking for 8 cars.

Bridgton Hospital Trailhead: Located across the street from the Bridgton Hospital, a boardwalk will greet you and connect you to the trail network.

South High Street Trailhead: No parking available. Access via sidewalks.

Additional Resources

All Trails Trail listing with current reviews

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