Pleasant Mountain

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Bridgton & Denmark, maine

About Pleasant Mountain

At 2,006 ft, Pleasant Mountain is the tallest mountain in southern Maine and one of the defining landmarks of the Sebago Lake region. The mountain is a destination for hikers, birdwatchers, snowmobilers, hunters, snowshoers and skiers. Pleasant Mountain’s proximity to both Portland and Boston make it an important environmental, recreational and economic resource for the region.

Loon Echo Land Trust (LELT) owns 2,064 acres on the mountain and protects an additional 24 acres through a conservation easement. LELT oversees the management and stewardship of the 10-mile hiking trail network on Pleasant Mountain. The majority of the land that the Ledges, Bald Peak and Southwest Ridge trails are on is owned & managed by LELT. We have signed trail agreements with four private landowners allowing LELT to conduct trail maintenance and improvements. These landowners generously allow the public to use the trails over their properties. Trail users should respect the land and follow the visitor guidelines to ensure all of the trails remain open to the public.

NOTE: Pleasant Mountain Ski Area is owned & managed separately from LELT's land and the hiking trail network. Please see the trail map for clarification.


This land is within the traditional and unceded territory of the Abenaki, a member tribe of the Wabanaki Confederacy. The Abenaki First Nations of Odanak and Wôlinak maintain reservations along the St. Francis and St. Lawrence Rivers in the Canadian province of Quebec, where they sought refuge following colonial warfare in the Saco, Presumpscot, and Androscoggin River watersheds during the 17th and 18th centuries.

Use Guidelines

- Dogs must be on leash. Pick up and carry out all dog waste.
- Carry in, carry out
- No fires, no camping
- Hunting is allowed. Wear blaze orange in season.
- Stay on marked trails. Hike single file whenever possible and avoid stepping on fragile soils, especially at the summit.
- Please contact if you are a commercial entity or are hosting a group on the trails.
- Limit group size to 10. Larger Groups: If your group exceeds 10 people, break into smaller subgroups.
- No motorized vehicles beyond parking areas (except where designated on the Firewarden's trail)

Trails & Maps

General Information: There are four trailheads on the mountain: Ledges, Bald Peak, Southwest Ridge, and Firewarden’s. All trailheads have parking for at least 6 cars. The Ledges Trail parking area can accommodate around 20 cars.  All trails connect and lead to the main summit. Pleasant Mountain is a significant hike that can take many hours to reach the summit and return to the trailhead. Please ensure you have a map (all trailheads have maps you can take a picture of), warm clothing layers, sturdy footwear, water, and snacks with you.

Access to Pleasant Mountain's hiking trail network is free and does not require a permit. Groups from summer camps, private companies, and organizations are asked to let us know when you will be using the trails by emailing Please consider a donation to Loon Echo Land Trust to support the care of the trails on Pleasant Mountain.

More Access information:
  • Trails are marked with colored, metal trail markers and intersections have wooden directional signs. There are no 'you are here' signs so please take a photo of the map at the kiosk before you head on your hike.
  • Trails have uneven tread with rocks, roots, and stone steps. They are all steep and narrow in sections.
  • Parking areas are plowed for winter use and all trailheads have information kiosks with maps and use guidelines.
  • There are no benches, restrooms, vehicle charging stations or interpretive displays on the property or at the trailheads.
  • Recent trail conditions and reviews can be found on AllTrails.
Ledges Trail (1.8 miles):
This blue-blazed trail, provides access from Mountain Road to the primary summit of Pleasant Mountain offering scenic overlooks along the way. The trail begins across the street from the parking area with a set of stone steps. Elevation gain is 1,600 feet.
Arrow signaling to click.
Firewarden’s Trail (2.3 miles):
This trail provides access to Pleasant Mountain's summit from the northwest via Wilton Warren Road and is used by snowmobiles in the winter. Trail is blazed with red and has a 1,500 foot elevation gain.
Arrow signaling to click.
Southwest Ridge Trail (2.7 miles):
This trail provides access to Pleasant Mountain's southwest summit and main summit via Denmark Road on the western side of the mountain. The trail is blazed with yellow trail markers and with rock cairns.
Arrow signaling to click.
Bald Peak Trail (2.4 miles):
This blue-blazed trail is accessed from a parking area on the west side of Mountain Road and has a 1,900 foot elevation gain. The trail leads up to Big Bald Peak and then connects to Pleasant Mountain's main summit.
Arrow signaling to click.
Sue’s Way (0.5 miles):
This orange-blazed trail provides access from the Bald Peak Trail to the top of Pleasant Mountain Ski Area. 500 foot elevation gain. Orange blazing. Access via Bald Peak trail or North Ridge trail.

North Ridge Trail (0.8 miles):
Blazed with white trail markers, this trail connects Sue's Way back with the Bald Peak trail to create a loop. The elevation gain is 200 feet.
Arrow signaling to click.
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