Last night, the Bridgton Selectboard officially adopted Bridgton's First Open Space Plan. The Plan was created over a period of nine months, from late 2022 to July 2023, and included a robust public engagement process that saw over 600 responses to a digital survey and great attendance at public workshops and meetings. The plan includes creative – yet feasible – recommendations to improve the quality, connectedness, and utilization of the Town’s open space system. This planning effort helps ensure the most important natural spaces are protected forever, and that the town's open spaces have the recreational infrastructure that the community wants and needs.
We look forward to working together with the Town of Bridgton, Bridgton community members, and other partners to implement the vision and recommendations of the plan. Bridgton’s Open Space plan was funded by a grant from Maine’s Community Resilience Partnership, a program of the Governor’s Office of Policy Innovation & the Future.
Read the plan here: