March 16, 2025

Mud Season

Snow is melting, birds are chirping, mud is appearing. It seems winter left early this year, giving way to the infamous Maine mud season.

Mud season hiking tips:

  • If a trail is extremely muddy, please consider turning back and coming back when things dry out. If there is just a bit of mud and water on the trail, walk THROUGH the mud! Straight through the puddle. Seek out stones to step on if you can! Don't step off the trail to go around puddles. Walking around puddles and muddy places widens the trail, tramples vegetation, and contributes to erosion.
  • LELT parking areas are pretty durable, but everything is soft right now and prone to damage. Please take care and use your best judgement so you don't cause permanent ruts (or get stuck!).
  • There may still be ice at higher elevations (i.e. Pleasant Mountain) and on shaded trails. Continue to carry traction with you in case you come across icy areas.
  • South facing trails will likely be drier (less ice and mud).
  • Choose to hike earlier in the day, when the ground is firmer.

Take care out there to help keep these important resources in good shape. Thank you!

Other resources:

Loon echo land trust

Our Land is Your Land